Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Audience at the Shem Women's Writing Competition and are enjoying talks given by Tibetan writers Women writers are interviewed by Shem and UVa staff Pema Tso is prominent Tibetan woman writer and born and raised in Rebgong Audience at the Shem Women's Writing Competition Director of Gangri Pumo Editorial Group Mr. Lugyal is giving a opening speech at the final conference Judges of Shem Women's Writing Competition The saddle-shaped island of Dotaga (<i>do rta sga</i>) in jewel-like Darok Tso (<i>da rog mtsho</i>). The big and small headlands of Lemar Jang (<i>sle dmar byang</i>) are in the foreground. A red ochre framed letter <i>a</i> and counterclockwise swastika in Chölung Puk (<i>chos lung phug</i>), zimpuk (<i>gzims phug</i>).
An archaic ceremonial structure in red ochre. The ruined retreat structure house north of the formation’s defile. An ancient <i>maṇi mantra</i> in red ochre and a white pigment. The north sector dispersion, with the village of  Ombu <i>’om bu</i> bu in the background. The remnants of a revetment. A revetment fragment. Vestiges of a foundation. A south sector structure deeply set into the ground.
Residential structure RS5. A view of the level walkway below the summit. A coherent wall fragment. The interior of cave P1. The base of the castle. Caves in the right wing of the khyung (<i>khyung</i>) formation. The main troglodytic settlement. Type I.1c. A staggered rampart network with parapet wall on summit; a reconstruction of the basal structural elements (drawn by Kleo Belay)
Type II.4b. Shrine of the tenkhar (<i>rten mkhar</i>) or chöten (<i>mchod rten</i>) class; a reconstruction of the basal structural elements based on ancient rock art and tokchak (<i>thog lcags</i>) (drawn by Kleo Belay) Type II.4b. Shrine of the tenkhar (<i>rten mkhar</i>), sekhar (<i>gsas mkhar</i>) or lhaten (<i>lha rten</i>) class; reconstruction of the basal structural elements based on ancient rock art, tokchak (<i>thog lcags</io>) and larger models made of stone and iron (drawn by Kleo Belay) Type II.4b. Shrine of the tenkhar (<i>rten mkhar</i>), sekhar (<i>gsas mkhar</i>) or lhaten (<i>lha rten</i>) class; reconstruction of the basal structural elements based on ancient rock art, tokchak (<i>thog lcags</i>) and larger models made of stone and iron (drawn by Kleo Belay) Type II.4b. Type II.4b. Shrine of the tenkhar (<i>rten mkhar</i>), sekhar (<i>gsas mkhar</i>) or lhaten (<i>lha rten</i>) class; reconstruction of the basal structural elements based on ancient rock art, tokchak (<i>thog lcags</i>) and larger models made of stone and iron (drawn by Kleo Belay) Type II.3. Cubic mountaintop tomb; a reconstruction of the basal structural elements (drawn by Kleo Belay) Type II.2e. Terraced funerary construction from the eastern Jangtang (<i>byang thang</i>); a reconstruction of the basal structural elements (drawn by Kleo Belay) Type II.2d. Larger bangso (<i>bang so</i>) with cruciform walls on top; a reconstruction of the basal structural elements (drawn by Kleo Belay) Type II.2d. Smaller bangso (<i>bang so</i>); a reconstruction of the basal structural elements (drawn by Kleo Belay)
