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Audience at the Shem Women's Writing Competition


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Resource #: 67351 (URL for reference)

Collections: Shem-Women-Writers-Competition

Tibet and Himalayas: Text Composition

Location: Xining (Latitude: 36.617158; Longitude: 101.778506)


by Rinchenkhar

More than two hundred people attended the Shem Women's Writing Competition. Most of those in the audience were university students from schools in Xining. The competition was in three phases, the first phase involved speeches given by prominent Tibetan writers about the status of Tibetan women and their careers as writers, the second phase was the giving of awards to the winners of the competition, and lastly professors answered questions from audience and held a short discussion.

Associated Resources

This resource was provided by Shem Women's Group (Shem Woman's Writing Competition). The copyright holder is THL (only private uses permitted).

Resource type: Image

Photographer: Kashem Gyal

Photograph Date: 01/Apr/2011

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