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Photographs in 2002 High Tibet Circle Expedition (HTCE)

The upper reaches of the structural dispersion. The summit structures. The summit and east flank ruins. Note the more intact structure on the right side of the image. A structure near the base of the formation, which has been converted to pastoral usage. The southwest room of the best-preserved structure. The island supporting the ruins. The best-preserved building of Gönpé Do (<i>dgon pa’i do</i>). A member of the survey team on the Island’s summit.
A structure on the west of the island. The entrances to the subterranean chambers of the temple structure. Ancient wall vestiges below a line of caves. The site with its structural remains. Old structures converted into corrals. The intact entranceway in residential structure RS4. Original wall fragments of residential structure RS7. The remaining rear portion of residential structure RS5.
Remnants of residential structure RS2. The carcass of residential structure RS1. The lone structure of the summit. Large buildings of the level two complex. Buildings of the level three complex. The rocky spine of the formation. The remains of the semi-subterranean dependencies and temple (lower right side) are visible on the slopes below the rocky spine. Taking measurements at the level one complex. The highly unusual ceremonial structure enshrined in the level one complex.
Rooms of the north edifice. The structures of the north edifice. The most intact portion of the south wing of the south edifice. The sinuous west wall of the south edifice. The south wing of the south edifice. Note the latrine pit below the corner of the structure. The ruins of Chöten Dünbu (<i>mchod rten bdun bu</i>). Upright stones probably marking the entrance to a structure on the lower bench. Ruined shrine and large enclosure of the middle sector.

2002 High Tibet Circle Expedition (HTCE) in Topic
