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Photographs in 2002 High Tibet Circle Expedition (HTCE)

The south side the structure. Note the coherent stonework of the structure. The basin of Zhingsa (<i>zhing sa</i>) is visible in the background. The mountaintop structure. Another view of funerary structure FS2. Funerary structure FS2. Funerary structure FS1. Four of the site’s pillars. Two of the site’s pillars. The site’s pillars. Note the way in which the site has been engulfed by sand and brush.
A portion of the lower complex. The north side of the isolated pillar. The formation from the west. The rocky crest dividing the summit into south (right) and north complexes (left). Note the ramparts lining the rim of the summit. A north summit complex structure. A south summit complex rampart. The south side of the isolated pillar. A corral at the site.
A pile of rubble. Survey members attempting to measure the structural dispersion. The north side of the pillar with its broken top set in place. The tabular pillar, with its broken top set in place. Note the thinness of this tabular pillar. The north side of the tabular pillar. Funerary structure FS2. Funerary structure FS1 (foreground) and appended edifice (right). The appended edifice.
The array of pillars and appended edifice. The array of pillars and appended edifice. The site’s four pillars. The site’s pillars. The “mön” (<i>mon</i>) tomb of Riu Gyamchung (<i>ri’u gyam chung</i>). One of the funerary superstructures at Khorchen (<i>’khor chen</i>). Funerary structure FS2. Funerary structure FS3.

2002 High Tibet Circle Expedition (HTCE) in Topic
