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Photographs in 2002 High Tibet Circle Expedition (HTCE)

The site, seen from the west. On the horizon, the lofty snow mountain, Lönpo Gangri (<i>blon po gangs ri</i>), can be made out (center of image). The site, seen from the south. Note the way in which the enclosure is elevated above the surrounding plain. Members of the survey team and the personnel transport vehicle wait by the monument. The site, seen from the east. Observe the opening and perpendicular threshold stone in the east wall of the enclosure. Also note the small <i>maṇi</i> wall near the pillars. The site’s pillars. The site’s U-shaped array of pillars. Note the orange climax lichen on the standing stones. The site’s pillars. The area once enclosed by walls is in the foreground. The site’s pillars. Three of the site’s well-formed four-sided pillars (long-stones DR2, DR3, and DR4).
A close-up of the stonework of a north bluff complex structure. The south bluff edifice and foot of the south bluff complex. The north bluff complex main building. The north bluff complex and the Buddhist shrine complex at the foot of the north bluff. The site’s pillars. Note the way in which the ground slopes down on all sides of the pillars. The site’s pillars. The pillar on the right is on the north side of the array of standing stones. Ruins of the south bluff edifice (upper left-hand corner) and foot of the south bluff complex.
A double-course wall of funerary structure FS2. Funerary structure FS21. Funerary structure FS16. A small portion of funerary structure FS17 can be seen on the right hand side of the image. The pillar enclosure from the northeast. Note the lateral extension of the enclosure in proximity to the pillars. The two individuals standing beside the monument were part of the survey team. The site’s pillars, viewed from the west. The site’s pillars. The pillars and the adjoining terrain. The site’s pillars.
The site, seen from the southwest. The remains of the wall running perpendicular to the south (right) wall of the enclosure can be seen. Another view of the site. Note the two main groups of pillars erected inside the enclosure. The pillar enclosure. The foreground coincides with the point where the enclosure widens. Some of the pillars of the east group are visible. Residential structure RS3 with other dokhang (<i>rdo khang</i>) in the background. Note the two niches in the rear wall of the structure. Residential structure RS2. Note the in situ lintel over the entranceway. The larger cubic shrine structure. The local guide at residential structure RS1. The site’s pillars and scattered stones.

2002 High Tibet Circle Expedition (HTCE) in Topic
