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Photographs in 2002 High Tibet Circle Expedition (HTCE)

The spectacularly located residential structure RS8. Residential structure RS2. Residential structure RS1. This lowest elevation dokhang (<i>rdo khang</i>) was deeply set into the ground. Residential structure RS5. Wall fragments of funerary structure FS3. Traces of slab walls, funerary structure FS4. Funerary structure FS3. Ruins and the knob of rock at the castle.
The site’s intact but uprooted pillar. A revetment fragment. The main portion of the castle rising above the sacred shores of Mapang Yutso (<i>ma pang g.yu mtsho</i>). Buddhist sekhar (<i>gsas mkhar</i>) and a retaining wall on the summit. A revetment fragment near the rim of the formation’s summit. Such structures were recently destroyed with the Buddhist redevelopment of the site. Mortuary cairns. Detritus from the castle’s structures.
The only coherent revetment fragment amid much rubble. The double-course pebble wall fragment on funerary structure FS2. A carved swastika on long-stone DR2, Gyatengbur Doring (<i>rgya steng ’bur rdo ring</i>) West. The south face of long-stone DR2 (center), Gyatengbur Doring (<i>rgya steng ’bur rdo ring</i>) West. Gyatengbur Doring (<i>rgya steng ’bur rdo ring</i>) East. The pillar on the far left is not anchored in the ground. A cluster of five large standing stones, Gyatengbur Doring (<i>rgya steng ’bur rdo ring</i>) East. The small pillar on the far right is not anchored in the ground. The pillars and enclosures of Gyatengbur Doring (<i>rgya steng ’bur rdo ring</i>) East. Gyatengbur Doring (<i>rgya steng ’bur rdo ring</i>) East. Note the well delineated walls of the enclosure.
The pillars of Gyatengbur Doring (<i>rgya steng ’bur rdo ring</i>) West. Note the traces of the walled enclosure. Long-stones DR2 (extreme left), DR3 (second from left), DR1 (third from left), DR4 (large specimen, center), DR5 (nearly collapsed specimen), DR12 (small specimen on right), and DR10 (upper right). Main row of pillars at the site: long-stones DR3 (left foreground), DR4 (right foreground). The partially collapsed long-stone DR2 is on the left side of the image. Long-stone DR10 is situated behind the main row of pillars at higher elevation. Long-stone DR1 stands immediately to the right of long-stone DR3, the red pillar in the foreground. One of the better preserved tombs in the north central sector. Funerary structure FS10, the traces of a cubic tomb in the south sector The pillars of the site. Long-stones DR11 (extreme right), DR 10 (extreme left) are offset from the main row of pillars. The local guide is seated next to the standing stones. Funerary structure FS5 of the south sector.

2002 High Tibet Circle Expedition (HTCE) in Topic
