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Photographs in 2002 High Tibet Circle Expedition (HTCE)

The remains of funerary structure FS3, south sector. The Uttarakhand Himalaya can be seen in the background. The mountain underlying the structures. The site’s large, solitary pillar. The large pillar. Note the small stones scattered around the base of the pillar. The south face of the isolated pillar. The pillar and the line of large stones before it. Buddhist sekhar (<i>gsas mkhar</i>) shrines on the summit of the formation. These were probably constructed with stones extracted from the old citadel. The west side of the isolated pillar.
The east side of the isolated pillar. The north face of the isolated pillar. The Guru Bumpa (<i>gu ru ’bum pa</i>) shrine complex. Note the melting ice sheet on Tso Mapam (<i>mtsho ma pham</i>). South bumpa (<i>’bum pa</i>). Note the ancillary shrines in the foreground. South bumpa (<i>’bum pa</i>). Some of the multitude of inscribed stones at the site are highly visible in the foreground. North bumpa (<i>’bum pa</i>). Note the slim cairns on the corners of each of the tiers. The site with one of the local guides The faint remains of the “original” village below the formation summit.
The formation with the modern Kardung (<i>dkar dung</i>) Village in the foreground. Note the modern Buddhist structures on the summit. Cobble wall traces and earthen structures thought to belong to the ancient castle on the formation summit. A defensive wall clinging to the formation of the lower complex. Building group 4, the highest remains of the upper complex. In the background is the Bon holy lake Gunggyü Tso (<i>gung rgyud mtsho</i>). A view of the upper complex, Nakra Dzong (<i>nag ra rdzong</i>). The extensive structural remains of the fortress’s upper complex. One of the structures of building group 2, in the upper complex. Note the herringbone masonry work. Residential structure RS4.
The ruins are found in the valley bottom and on the adjacent rocky slopes. Residential structures RS1, RS2 and RS3 are visible in the foreground. Residential structure RS2, the largest complex at the site. The cave façade of residential structure RS2. The crumbling outer walls of residential structure RS3. The northwest corner of the enclosure. The site’s funerary enclosure. The site’s tabular pillars. Note the variable orientation of the largest pillar. The site’s pillars.

2002 High Tibet Circle Expedition (HTCE) in Topic
