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South face of Potala with appliqué festival tangkas, Sertreng Ceremony. Copyright Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford 2001.

69670 normal

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Resource #: 69670 (URL for reference)

Collections: Lhasa

Location: Potala Palace, Zhunggo, Marpori, Red Palace, F55358, F55485, White Palace, Zhöl, Outer Zhöl


by Jessica O'Leary

Crowds gathering outside Zhöl (zhol) village during the Sertreng Ceremony (tshogs mchod ser sbreng) on the 30th day of the second month of the Tibetan calendar. Note that the image is reversed and needs to be flipped left to right. Two silk appliqué festival tangkas (thang ka), or göku (gos sku), adorn the south face of the Potala’s White Palace. The tangkas, featuring the Buddha surrounded by deities and bodhisattvas, measure 75 x 40 ft and have been sewn together. The Zhöl pillar, Doring Chima (rdo ring phyi ma), is visible in the center of the image, with the two Chinese-style pagodas (khang ser) located directly behind it and to its left, and the white Zhöl main gate (gzhung sgo) behind them.

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Resource type: Image

Photograph Date: 1949-1950

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