Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in Tibet Autonomous Region

The ruined retreat structure house north of the formation’s defile. An ancient <i>maṇi mantra</i> in red ochre and a white pigment. The north sector dispersion, with the village of  Ombu <i>’om bu</i> bu in the background. The remnants of a revetment. A revetment fragment. Vestiges of a foundation. A south sector structure deeply set into the ground. Residential structure RS5.
A view of the level walkway below the summit. A coherent wall fragment. The interior of cave P1. The base of the castle. Caves in the right wing of the khyung (<i>khyung</i>) formation. The main troglodytic settlement. The upper edifice. The upper edifice. The lower edifice is also visible on the upper right side of the image.
The residential remains on the “horse’s ear.” The ruins planted atop the “horse’s ear.” The “horses ears” of this sacred site are the twin pyramidal formations on the right side of the headland. The ruins are situated on the “horse’s ear” in the foreground. Funerary structure FS2. One of the heaped-stone enclosures. One of the heaped-stone enclosures. Funerary structure FS2. Outlying funerary structure.
One of the double-course walls of the pillar enclosure. The site’s walled pillars. The east complex of the south sector. Note the large cubic boulder beside the structure. Satellite enclosures of the south sector west complex. The north tumulus. The south tumulus. The in situ pillar of the north pillar complex. The north pillar complex.

Tibet Autonomous Region in Places
