Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in Tibet Autonomous Region

Measuring funerary structure FS1. The lake is Bültso (<i>bul mtsho</i>) and in the snowy range of mountains beyond is the sacred mountain Kyungka (<i>skyung ka</i>). Funerary structure FS23, one of the site’s more intact funerary structures. In the background is Dungtso (<i>mdung mtsho</i>) and beyond the lake is Namra (<i>nam ra</i>), the high snow peak. Funerary structure FS49. The survey team at funerary structure FS127. The low elevation structure of funerary structure FS28. The pillars and enclosure. The site’s three pillars. The site’s three pillars.
The site, seen from the north. Funerary structure FS1. The site’s main pillars. The site’s pillars. Note the large partly submerged pillar. The site, seen from the south. Two of the site’s pillars. Funerary structure FS6. Funerary structure FS1.
Funerary structure FS4. Funerary structure FS3. Funerary structure FS2. The base of the central depository is clearly discernable. Funerary structure FS1. Funerary structure FS7. Funerary structure FS2. Funerary structure FS1. One of the site’s structures.
Structural traces. Funerary structure FS3 (?). Funerary structure FS1. Note the various compartments in this structure. Funerary structure FS5. Funerary structure FS4 (Site 2). Götsang Drak (<i>rgod tshang brag </i>). The most prominent revetment segment in the upper complex. The lower complex. Note the stone buttressing against the formation, part of a staircase that linked the lower and middle complexes.

Tibet Autonomous Region in Places
