Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Tibet Autonomous Region

A thangka painting in {gsum dkyil} Monatery. Statues of the three {jo bo} at {gsum dkyil} Monastery. A mural painting at {gsum dkyil} Monastery. A mural painting at {gsum dkyil} Monastery. A mural painting at {gsum dkyil} Monastery. A mural painting at {gsum dkyil} Monastery. A mural painting at {gsum dkyil} Monastery. A mural painting at {gsum dkyil} Monastery.
A mural painting at {gsum dkyil} Monastery. A stupa at {rdo gsham} Monastery. A stupa at {rdo gsham} Monastery. A stupa at {rdo gsham} Monastery. A stupa at {rdo gsham} Monastery. A view of {rdo gsham} Monastery. A view of {rdo gsham} Monastery. A mural painting at {phu ri} Monastery.
A mural painting at {phu ri} Monastery. The town of {gti g.yag}, showing {gti g.yag} Temple to the right center. A mural painting at {rad nis} Monastery. A mural painting at {rad nis} Monastery. A mural painting at {rad nis} Monastery. A bas relief sculpture at {rad nis} Monastery. A mural painting at {rad nis} Monastery showing the layers of painting. Sculptures at {rad nis} Monastery.
A bas relief sculpture at {rad nis} Monastery. A bas relief sculpture at {rad nis} Monastery. A mural painting at {rad nis} Monastery. Statues in {phu ri} Monastery. A carved wooden pecha book cover and a wrapped pecha of a Perfection of Wisdom text in {phu ri} Monastery. A carved wooden pecha book cover and a wrapped pecha of a Perfection of Wisdom text in {phu ri} Monastery. A carved wooden pecha book cover and a wrapped pecha of a Perfection of Wisdom text in {phu ri} Monastery. Statues and wrapped pecha texts in the private room of the {rad nis} lama.

Tibet Autonomous Region in Places
