Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Asia

Wrathful deity that is in the center of the four wrathful deities The murals of the wrathful circle of deities Namsey the god of wealth A god of longevity called Tsheringma Menmo spirit Kintu Zangmo of Buli Mural of avalokiteshvara with one thousand eyes and hands=ཕྱག་སྟོང་སྤྱན་སྟོང་། Mural of Guru Rinpoche and his eight manifestations Mural of the Duptho Choeying Rangdol
Murals of the Duptho Choeying Rangdol and his successor=གྲུབ་ཐོབ་ཆོས་དབྱིངས་དང་རང་གྲོལ་དང་ཁོའི་བླ་བརྒྱུད་ཚུ། Murals of the three deities of longevity=ཚེ་ལྷ་རྣམ་གསུམ། Mural of a goddess Vijaya and White Tara=རྣམ་རྒྱལ་མ་དང་ སྒྲོལ་དཀར། Lhatsen Karpo the tsen spirit and protecting deity of Buli Mural of Phurbu Namchag Pudre Yidam Kilaya=ཕུར་བུ་གནམ་ལྕགས་སྤུ་གྲི་ཡིད་དམ་ཀི་ལ་ཡ། Mural of Jamgoen Mepham Mural of Jigme Lingpa Mural of Longchen Rabjam
Mural of Rigzin Pema Thinley Mural of Thuksy Dawa Gyaltshen Mural of Pema Lingpa Interactive communication between Guru Rinpoche and Pema Lingpa The mural of bodhisattva samantabhadra Murals of the lords of three families The mural of the western realm of Sukhavati Side view of of the Bar Lhakhang
Front view of Buli Bar Lhakhang The Hell beings Hell being The cham dance of Drey Nagchung the Black Devil The cham dance of intermediate state The cham dance of intermediate state The Bardo cham dance The representaion of hell beings

Asia in Places
