Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Front view of Buli Bar Lhakhang


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Resource #: 69466 (URL for reference)

  • Lhakhang (English )

Tibet and Himalayas: Bamboo Architecture, Bhutan Cultural Library

Location: Buli

Keywords: Gold roof ornament=གསེར་ཐོག་, Murals of door guard at the entrance=སྒོ་སྲུང་གི་ལྡེབས་རིས།, Wheel turn by the hand=ལག་འཁོར།


by Yeshi Wangchuk

This is the newly renovated Bar Lhakhang located at the Centre of Trong village, Buli. The old Lhakhang that was constructed by the Chudrak Lama Sonam Gyaltshen was deteriorated so the Gewog Administration, Khentruel Garab Dorji and the people of Buli, constructed the new Lhakhang.The Lhakhang was the seat of Fourth Terton Rigzin Pema Lingpa, Whereby we see a small spot with round pileup stone below the Lhakhang, where he was doing the work of smithy.

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This resource was provided by Shejun (Documentation of Bhutan's Oral Cultures sponsored by Arcadia). The copyright holder is Shejun (only private uses permitted).

Resource type: Image

Photographer: Yeshi Wangchuk

Photograph Date: 10/Dec/2014

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