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Dalai Lama's retinue in procession to the Norbu Lingka from the Potala. Copyright Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford 2001.


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Resource #: 69677 (URL for reference)

Collections: Lhasa

Location: Potala Palace, Zhunggo, Marpori, Outer Zhöl


by Jessica O'Leary

The 14th Dalai Lama's (tA la'i bla ma) procession making its way from the Potala to the summer palace, Norbu Lingka (nor bu gling ka). The Dalai Lama's sedan chair can be seen in the back of the procession surrounded by ritual umbrellas. Crowds of onlookers line the route, and the Potala is visible in the background.

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Resource type: Image

Photograph Date: 11/Apr/1939

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