Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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The locally produced meat chooping board


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Resource #: 68947 (URL for reference)

  • Sha-than (chooing board) (English )

Tibet and Himalayas: Kitchen Utensil Carpentry, Bhutan Cultural Library

Location: Jigme (Latitude: 26.948369; Longitude: 89.238808)


by Kencho Wangmo

The locally produced chopping board that the villagers use to chop meat. It's made up of the wood found in their own village and it's designed in bottle shape so that they can use the neck to tie thread on it and hang it on the wall.

Associated Resources

This resource was provided by Shejun (Documentation of Bhutan's Oral Cultures sponsored by Arcadia). The copyright holder is Shejun (only private uses permitted).

Resource type: Image

Photographer: Kencho Wangmo

Photograph Date: 24/Sep/2014

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