Cane filter used in filtering the tongba(millet alcohol)
Resource #: 68891 (URL for reference)
Jum (local alcohol filter made from cane) (English )
Tibet and Himalayas: Alcohol, Bhutan Cultural Library
Location: Jigme (Latitude: 26.951083; Longitude: 89.242472)
by Kencho Wangmo
A locally made cane filter that the villagers use to filet the tongba(foxtail millet alcohol). It's made of cane which is also part of their culture and it is still followed by the villagers in present time.
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This resource was provided by Shejun (Documentation of Bhutan's Oral Cultures sponsored by Arcadia). The copyright holder is Shejun (only private uses permitted).
Resource type: Image
Photographer: Monika Subba
Photograph Date: 24/Sep/2014