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Stone maize grinder called raa rang in local dialect


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Resource #: 68888 (URL for reference)

  • Raa rang(stone grinder to grind maize) (English )

Tibet and Himalayas: Kitchen Utensil Carpentry, Bhutan Cultural Library

Location: Jigme (Latitude: 26.951017; Longitude: 89.242436)


by Kencho Wangmo

The second day of Doys new year festival and the image is of the local stone grinder used to grind maize in their locality and it's know as Raa rang.

Associated Resources

This resource was provided by Shejun (Documentation of Bhutan's Oral Cultures sponsored by Arcadia). The copyright holder is Shejun (only private uses permitted).

Resource type: Image

Photographer: Monika Subba

Photograph Date: 24/Sep/2014

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