Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


The Tsencham Cham Dance of Soomthrang Kangsoel The Tsencham Cham Dance of Soomthrang Kangsoel A woman making buckwheat noodles called puta Choje lama with the guests during the kangsoel Priest performing rituals on the first day of kangsoel Priest performing rituals on the first day of kangsoel The Tsencham Cham Dance of Soomthrang Kangsoel A woman making buckwheat noodles called puta
Torma of the Soomthrang Kangsoel Stuffs  arranged for the exorcism ritual Ngachang dance of the Kangsoel Stuffs  arranged for the exorcism ritual Priests performis the concluding ritual of excorcism Ngachang dance of the Kangsoel Ngachang dance of the Kangsoel Performing exorcism dance during the first night of the kangsoel
Priests performis the concluding ritual of excorcism Soomthrang Draktsen Torjab ritual torma of the Soomthrang Arrangement that was made for the Kansoel event Priests performing rituals in the first night of Kangsoel Priests performing rituals in the first night of Kangsoel Torma of the Soomthrang Kangsoel
The assembly hall The main temple Wall painting of the monastery and its surroundings Detail of wall painting of the monastery and its surroundings Wall painting of wrathful protector deity Wall painting of Shakyamuni entering parinirvana Qing-era wall painting of a stupa Wall painting depicting the mythological origin of the Tibetan people from a monkey and ogress
