Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in Pemagatshel

Getting ready for Marchang ceremony Two Gomchen bend to wash their face Gomchen blowing trumpet at their turn to wash Gomchen washes their face and head Gomchens washing their face and head getting purified Monks walks to a stream to get purified from defilements Walks for Threl Tsepem of the Tsechu
villagers goes for Threl with music Gomchen and Atsara making musical sound Villagers walks with song and music for Threl Journey to stream for Threl Tsechu performer marches towards a stream for Threl ceremony Mask dancers and gomchen moving in line for Threl ceremony Musicians guiding the performers to Threl ceremony A man with incense leads to threl
Moving for Threl singing song Performers of Tsechu moving for Threl ceremony A gomchen doing away with serkem (offered alcohol) Prayer wheels to be turned and gain merit A Incense pot made of tin Head Achara without mask Head Achara without mask Bowl and the incense on it
Wine from the phallus by Achara The couple Achara wooden phallus Head of the Achara Atsharas are waiting for the host Laughing Atshara of the festival Atsharas on their way to room Receiving ceremony for the Atshara

Pemagatshel in Places
