Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Villagers walks with song and music for Threl


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Resource #: 68634 (URL for reference)

  • Ritual (English )

Tibet and Himalayas: Ritual, Bhutan Cultural Library

Location: Khothagpa

Keywords: Handy incense pot, Villagers, Whip


by Sherig Dentshog and Ngawang Loday

White dressed man carries a handy incense pot. Another man with a whip. A man swings a stick to hit the bell. A Gomchen (Monk) blows a trumpet.

Associated Resources

This resource was provided by Shejun (Documentation of Bhutan's Oral Cultures sponsored by Arcadia). The copyright holder is Shejun (only private uses permitted).

Resource type: Image

Photographer: Ngawang Loday

Photograph Date: 30/Sep/2014

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