Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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The National Library and Archives of Bhutan.


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Resource #: 69768 (URL for reference)

Collections: Ariana Maki Collection, Bhutan Collection (Maki)


by Ariana Maki

The National Library and Archives of Bhutan (NLAB) includes the large building at right, which holds the Tibetan and Dzongkha language collections, arranged by Buddhist tradition. Amongst the books are three shrines that were consecrated in 1984 by Dilgo Khyentse (1910-1991).

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Resource type: Image

Photographer: Ariana Maki

Quality Type: Excellent

Recording Note:

The building on the right houses the National Library and Archives collection of Bhutanese, Tibetan and Sanskrit texts; the building on the left is the administrative block and the library's Western language holdings.

Photograph Date: 28/May/2015

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