Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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A slate carving inset into a chöten.


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Resource #: 69766 (URL for reference)

Collections: Ariana Maki Collection, Bhutan Collection (Maki)


by Ariana Maki

Slate carving is one of Bhutan's thirteen traditional arts. This example illustrates Milarepa at top left, a meditative figure at top right, and the Riksum Gönpo, or 'lords of the three bodhisattva families' at center and below; namely, Chenrézig Chakzhipa at center, Jampelyang at lower left, and Chakna Dorjé at lower right.

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Resource type: Image

Photographer: Ariana Maki

Quality Type: Good

Recording Note:

Slate carving of the Rigsum Gonpo, Milarepa and an unidentified figure seated in a meditative pose.

Photograph Date: 20/Jun/2015

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