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The south (front) face of the Potala and Zhöl Village from the southwest.


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Resource #: 69720 (URL for reference)

Collections: Lhasa - Potala Palace

Location: Potala Palace, Marpori, Red Palace, White Palace, Namgyel College, Inner Zhöl


by Steve Weinberger

The south (front) face of the Potala taken from the top of Chakpo Ri. At the left of the Potala complex is Namgyel Monastery; in the center and right, the White Palace; and in the top center, the Red Palace. Zhöl Village is at the base of the Potala and Marpo Ri.

Associated Resources

The copyright holder is Steve Weinberger (only private uses permitted).

Resource type: Image

Photographer: Steve Weinberger

Photograph Date: 02/1987

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