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Procession on 14th Dalai Lama's arrival in Lhasa, at Jokhang entrance. Copyright Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford 2001.


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Resource #: 69644 (URL for reference)

Collections: Lhasa

Location: Barkor, Jokhang, Doring


by Jessica O'Leary

A procession men on horseback make their way toward the front entrance of the Jokhang (jo khang). They are part of the retinue that accompanied the young 14th Dalai Lama (tA la'i bla ma), Tenzin Gyatso (bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho), during his entry to Lhasa and his visit to the Jokhang. Horses and spectators line the street, and the willow tree that once stood at the Jokhang's entrance is visible on the left side of the image. The building in the center of the image housed the offices of the cabinet. The photograph was likely taken from the Doring (rdo ring) house.

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Resource type: Image

Photograph Date: 08/Oct/1939

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