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Barley threshers and yak near Zhidé Trokhang. Copyright Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford 2001.35.289.1


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Resource #: 69639 (URL for reference)

Collections: Lhasa

Location: Radreng Trokhang


by Jessica O'Leary

Zhidé Trokhang (bzhi sde spro khang), the Reting Regent's (rwa sgreng rin po che) summer residence, on the outskirts of Lhasa. Barley threshers and yak can be seen amongs piles of barley in the grassy foreground. A prayer flag has been positioned in a pile of barley on the right side of the image at mid-distance.

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Resource type: Image

Photograph Date: 27/Nov/1936

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