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Copyright Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford 1998_157_62


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Resource #: 69580 (URL for reference)

Potala and Zhöl village with yaks in the foreground. Copyright Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford 1998.157.62

Collections: Lhasa

Location: Potala Palace, Marpori, Red Palace, White Palace, Namgyel College, Zhöl


by Jessica O'Leary

An image of the south face of the Potala taken from the southeast facing northwest. Zhöl (zhol) village is visible at the base of the Potala. Yaks (g.yag) can be seen grazing in the grassy foreground, as well as some people on the left side of the image at mid-distance. There is a wall along the far edge of the field, in the middle of the photograph, which runs to Zhöl village and along which people are walking.

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Resource type: Image

Photograph Date: 1936-1937

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