Potala from the southwest with flooded marshland in foreground. Copyright Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford 1998.131.293
Resource #: 69553 (URL for reference)
Collections: Lhasa
Location: Potala Palace, Marpori, Red Palace, Lingkor, White Palace, Namgyel College
by Jessica O'Leary
The Potala Palace from the southwest between 17-18 September 1936, with the entrance to Dodé (dog bde) valley visible in the distance on the far left. The marshlands in the foreground and behind the Potala appear to be flooded and people can be seen walking along a narrow path that cuts through the flooded area. A building is visible next to the path in the center of the image.Associated Resources
Resource type: Image
Photograph Date: 17/Sep/1936