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Farmers flail barley near the Potala, Chakpori in the background. Copyright Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford 1998.131.275


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Resource #: 69549 (URL for reference)

Collections: Lhasa, Lhasa - Potala Palace

Location: Potala Palace, Chakpori, F55485, Chakpori Rikjé Dropen Ling


by Steve Weinberger

Farmers flailing barley in an area east of the Potala. The twin Khangser (<i>khang ser</i>), two Chinese-style pagodas containing historical scripture pillars (<i>rdo ring</i>), are visible in the middle distance, with a domestic building to their right. In the background, the east side of Chakpori (<i>lcags po ri</i>) surmounted by the medical college can be seen.

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Resource type: Image

Photograph Date: 06/Oct/1936

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