Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Lhasa valley and Potala in early morning with Kyichu River in foreground. Copyright Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford 1998.131.220

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Resource #: 69543 (URL for reference)

Collections: Lhasa

Location: Lhasa River, Potala Palace, Chakpori, Marpori


by Jessica O'Leary

A northeast-facing view of Lhasa valley in the early morning. The Potala can be seen in the middle of the image with Chakpori (lcags po ri) to its left. The Lhasa River, also called Kyichu River (skyid chu), can be seen in the foreground. Mount Parasol and the entrance to Nyangdren (nyang bran) Valley can be seen shrouded in early morning shadows on the right side of the image.

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Resource type: Image

Photograph Date: 31/Aug/1936

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