Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Corn farm


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Resource #: 68657 (URL for reference)

  • Farm (English )

Tibet and Himalayas: Agricultural Work, Bhutan Cultural Library

Location: Khothagpa

Keywords: Corn, Electric pole, Houses


by Sherig Dentshog and Ngawang Loday

Corn fills the field between the houses. Orange trees are barely having leaves and are dried. Parallel electric pole is fixed in the middle of the field. A new house is under construction above the corn field. Roof of a house is visible through the dried orange trees. Landscape on the other side of the valley is visible

Associated Resources

This resource was provided by Shejun (Documentation of Bhutan's Oral Cultures sponsored by Arcadia). The copyright holder is Shejun (only private uses permitted).

Resource type: Image

Photographer: Ngawang Loday

Photograph Date: 30/Sep/2014

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