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Wood carvings of Dron Tshang Dorje Chang


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Resource #: 67418 (URL for reference)

Collections: Photos-for-Qinghai-Monasteries-Documentation

Tibet and Himalayas: carvings on stone walls

Location: Drotsang Gön


by Rinchenkhar

Drothsang Dorje Chang monastery was built in the year of 1583 by the third Dalai Lama. There is a statue of the Third Dalai Lama. Around 1948, the monatery used to have 400 monks at the monatery and after the cultural revolution number of monks obviously declined. Currently there are only ten monks at the monastery . This is a classical wood carvings by ancient Tibetan carpenters.

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This resource was provided by Qinghai Normal University (Qinghai Monastery Documentation Project). The copyright holder is Gya ye Drabo (only private uses permitted).

Resource type: Image

Photographer: Gyayé Trabho (རྒྱ་ཡེ་བཀྲ་བྷོ།)

Photograph Date: 12/Oct/2011

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