This is the Stupa in Khadi Kha monastery in Guan Ting Township, Dzomo Khar County, Kansu Province
Resource #: 67404 (URL for reference)
Collections: Photos-for-Qinghai-Monasteries-Documentation
Tibet and Himalayas: Stupa
Location: Khaté Khé Gönpa
by Rinchenkhar
The Khadi Kha monastery itself is located in Jingning Village (静宁村) in Guanting Township. Khadi kha is similar with Dzomo khar; both monateries were built by Shamchen Choje. This is a stupa that erected in front of the temple near by the monastery. This stupa was substanced with the tooth of Buddha Kasyapa, Kanjur golden copy and three pieces of barley that's in size of eggs.
Associated Resources
This resource was provided by Qinghai Normal University (Qinghai Monastery Documentation Project). The copyright holder is Gya ye Drabo (only private uses permitted).
Resource type: Image
Photographer: Gyayé Trabho (རྒྱ་ཡེ་བཀྲ་བྷོ།)
Photograph Date: 11/Oct/2011