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The castle of Khaté Khé Monastery


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Resource #: 67399 (URL for reference)

Collections: Photos-for-Qinghai-Monasteries-Documentation

Tibet and Himalayas: castle

Location: Khaté Khé Gönpa


by Rinchenkhar

The monastery was built by Lama Chöjé Gyelpo and Shamchen Chöjé, who were students of Zongka Chenmo. This is the entrance to the monastery; the monastery itself was located inside a walled castle.

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This resource was provided by Qinghai Normal University (Qinghai Monastery Documentation Project). The copyright holder is Gya ye Drabo (only private uses permitted).

Resource type: Image

Photographer: Gyayé Trabho (རྒྱ་ཡེ་བཀྲ་བྷོ།)

Photograph Date: 11/Oct/2011

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