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This is very important Tibetan introduction of Shamba Bumling, Yongchen County, Gansu Province


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Resource #: 67389 (URL for reference)

Collections: Photos-for-Qinghai-Monasteries-Documentation

Tibet and Himalayas: Short Story

Location: Jampa Bumling


by Rinchenkhar

This is very important Tibetan story about of Shamba bum ling written in Tibetan. And it is boxed in glass at the monastery. According to Chinese historical books, this monastery was built in year of 420 and according to Tibtean history, it was built in 762. However losts of researchers are agreed on that the monastery is built during Tang dysnasty.

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This resource was provided by Qinghai Normal University (Qinghai Monastery Documentation Project). The copyright holder is Gya ye Drabo (only private uses permitted).

Resource type: Image

Photographer: Gyayé Trabho (རྒྱ་ཡེ་བཀྲ་བྷོ།)

Photograph Date: 10/Oct/2011

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