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This is a very partucular stupa in Dzomo khar Monastery, Dzomo Khar. It was built from the holy bodily substances of reincarnations Lamas.County, Qinghai Province

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Resource #: 67384 (URL for reference)

Collections: Photos-for-Qinghai-Monasteries-Documentation

Tibet and Himalayas: Stupa

Location: Dzomo Khar


by Rinchenkhar

There is nirvana stupa standing at the back of the monastery and which remained intact even after the culturul revolution. The stupa is offered with holy substance of Shamchen Chuje, such as his shawls, cup, saddle and rosary. It has approximately 600 years of history till this day.

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This resource was provided by Qinghai Normal University (Qinghai Monastery Documentation Project). The copyright holder is Gya ye Drabo (only private uses permitted).

Resource type: Image

Photographer: Gyayé Trabho (རྒྱ་ཡེ་བཀྲ་བྷོ།)

Photograph Date: 09/Oct/2011

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