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Sera dBu rtse, with various sacred sites above it


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Resource #: 62995 (URL for reference)

Collections: Sera Hermitages (2004)


by José Cabezón

Just above the hermitage, the smaller stone that is red in the middle and white on either side is the palace of Nyang ras rgyal chen. To the left of that, the large red stone is a Soul Stone (bla rdo) of Hayagriva. Going to the right and a bit up the hill, the flat stone (white) is the place for the tshogs offering of the Dakinis. Finally, the set of five red stones up hill and to the right of that are said to be the Five Dakinis (= mkha 'gro rigs lnga) themselves.

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Resource type: Image

Photographer: José Cabezón

Recording Orientation: From the Northwest

Photograph Date: 28/Sep/2004

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