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Throne of Tsong kha pa. Sera Chos lding


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Resource #: 62983 (URL for reference)

Collections: Sera Hermitages (2004)


by José Cabezón

This is said to be the site at which Tsong kha pa composed the his famous rTsa shes tik chen, the place at which rGyal tshab rje first met his master, the site at which Tsong kha pa entrusted his tantric teachings to rJe bstun Shes rab seng ge, and the place where the latter first realized emptiness. While the throne has always been here, the small building that now houses it was newly built in 2004.

Associated Resources

Resource type: Image

Photographer: José Cabezón

Recording Orientation: From the North

Photograph Date: 28/Sep/2004

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