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Moutnains behind mKhar rdo hermitage

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Resource #: 62736 (URL for reference)

Collections: Sera Hermitages (2004)


by José Cabezón

According to oral lore, each of these mountain peaks is associated with different deities. The leftmost peak is the Khrungs bla dbu rtse, connected to the birth-deity of the first Mkhar rdo lama. It is also where he is said to have had visions of Tsong kha pa and Mi la ras pa. The middle peaks are the Rgyal ba rigs lnga dbu rtse, associated with the buddhas of the five families. The peak on the right is the Bde mchog bla ri, associated with the deity Cakrasamavara.

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Resource type: Image

Photographer: Alex Catanese

Recording Orientation: From the North

Photograph Date: 28/Sep/2004

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