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Resource #: 19453 (URL for reference)

Collections: 2001 Upper Tibet Antiquities Expedition (UTAE)


The rdo ring (South) site (C-162) in which pillars erected inside a quadrate enclosure monument was built right next to an array of pillars oriented in the cardinal directions. In the foreground there are the rows of pillars of the array, most of which have been broken. In the background, the taller pillars of the enclosure are visible. This is the only site discovered in which the two monument types have been found side by side. This arrangement underscores their functional and temporal relationship as the archaic twin pillar types, which mark the Upper Tibetan Iron Age (and possibly early historic period) paleocultural sphere. However, in this extreme eastern example of a monolithic array there is no appended temple-tomb to the west; this position being taken up by the quadrate enclosure. The concourse of pillars measures 12.5 m (east to west) x 7 m (north to south), while the enclosure measures 10 m (east to west) x 7 m (north to south) at this smaller example of the characteristic pillar monument types.

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Resource type: Image

Photographer: John Bellezza

Recording Note:

dpal mgon

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