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Resource #: 19450 (URL for reference)

Collections: 2001 Upper Tibet Antiquities Expedition (UTAE)


Pillars erected inside a quadrate enclosure at the rdo ring (North) site (C-128). rdo ring (North) at 89ᄚ 27.6? is the most easterly example of this type of pillar monument. Its location helps to demarcate the territorial extent of the Upper Tibetan ムcoreメ culture of pre-Buddhist times. In the local oral tradition, it is attributed to the Mon, as are many other examples of this sui generis funerary monument. The double-coursed slab wall enclosure is aligned in the cardinal directions and measures 17 m x 17 m.

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Resource type: Image

Photographer: John Bellezza

Recording Note:

dpal mgon

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