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Resource #: 19445 (URL for reference)

Collections: 2001 Upper Tibet Antiquities Expedition (UTAE)


The west side of bu mo lha khang, se le phug township. In the spring of 2005, local メbrog pa descended upon the monument in trucks to rip out stone slabs from its foundation. The damage done is plain to see here. These stones were removed for their purported sacred properties. They were brought back to local pastoral settlements so that mantras could be carved on them. As soon as the local township head had learned about these acts of vandalism he sent out an order forbidding further destruction of the site. This manメs quick thinking and decision making probably saved bu mo lha khang from the sad fate of so many other Upper Tibetan archeological sites in recent years.

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Resource type: Image

Photographer: John Bellezza

Recording Note:

ge rgyas

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