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The second wife of Tsopo Dorlo Rinpoché, standing outside the monastery.


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Resource #: 10478 (URL for reference)

Collections: Tsopo Monastery, 1999-digital


by Steve Weinberger

This is the second wife of Tsopo Dorlo Rinpoché.  Her relative was Tsopo Dorlo’s first wife, Khandro Khachö Wangmo (mkha’ ’gro mkha’ spyod dbang mo), a Bönpo treasure revealer (gter ston) who died while on pilgrimage in central Tibet in 1987.  About a year after her death, a baby was born to Tsopo Dorlo and his second wife, and Tsopo Dorlo identified the child as the reincarnation of Khandro Khachö Wangmo.

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Resource type: Image

Photographer: David Germano

Recording Note:


Photograph Date: 07/22/1999 22:37:52

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