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Monks listening to religious instruction in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] during the morning teachings.


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Resource #: 9530 (URL for reference)

Collections: The morning teachings of [Khenpo Jikme Phuntsok {m, 1999-digital

Cultural Regions: Kham

Geographical Features: Monastery, Religious Encampment, banners on top of buildings, portico, pillars, exterior, Main Assembly/Altar Room

Religious Sects: Nyingma

Ritual: To the spiritual master [and lineage], Flowers

Tibet and Himalayas: Men, Boys, Males, Tibetan, Novice Monk, Lama, Monk Student, Monk (Ordination Status Unspecified)

Zoologies (Biological and Spiritual): Monk, Fully-ordained Monk, Novice Monk

Location: Larung Gar


by Natasha Mikles

Monks listening to religious instruction in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] during the morning teachings of Khenpo Jikphun ['jigs med phun tshogs], the founder of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious community.

Associated Resources

Resource type: Image

Photographer: David Germano

Recording Note:

LarungGar-Dukhang-DukhangKJPMorning Teaching

Photograph Date: 07/27/1999 12:49:29

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