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Officials ride up trail on the northeast side of Potala during New Year. Copyright Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford 1998.157.92


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Resource #: 69587 (URL for reference)

Collections: Lhasa

Location: Potala Palace, Marpori, F72184


by Jessica O'Leary

A group of officials on their way to attend festivities for Losar (lo gsar), the Tibetan New Year, at the Potala on 13 February 1937. Note that the image is reversed and needs to be flipped left to right. They are riding up the trail on the northeast side of the Potala. The official in the center is pictured wearing gyaluché (rgya lu chas) dress. Lhalu (lha klu) mansion, located northwest of the Potala, can be seen in the distance, and the edge of the lake behind the Potala can be seen on the right side in the middle of the photograph.

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Resource type: Image

Photograph Date: 13/Feb/1927

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