Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Transportation Infrastructure

Tibetans on the street in downtown Horpo. Row of wooden and stone stupas alongside the road. Row of wooden and stone stupas alongside the road. A row of wooden and stone stupas. A Tibetan house near the ? River in Pelyul City. The ? River in Pelyul City. The bridge over the ? River in Pelyul City. Tibetans on the street in Pelyul City.
Pelyul City. Pelyul City. A small footbridge. View of a gorge. View of a gorge. A bridge leading to the Tibetan Autonomous Region. A side road leading to a bridge to the Tibetan Autonomous Region. View of a small roadside village.
A row of stupas along a road. A row of stupas alongside a road. Tibetan nomad woman leading horse. A small roadside village. A small roadside village. A mountain scene. A mountain scene. View of a river valley.
View of a nearby snow mountain. A row of prayer flags near some houses. Houses on a hillside. Bulldozer pulling truck out of the ditch. Muddied dirt road. Trucks climbing dirt road and crossing pass. Tibetan monks and laypeople relaxing on the road. Tibetan children.

Transportation Infrastructure in Topic
