Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Transportation Infrastructure

Stupas at the entrance to the valley containing the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement. The main Assembly Hall ['du khang] of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious community. The main Assembly Hall ['du khang] of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious community. Gyarong Village. Prayer flags at the large white stone stupa at Dudo. The base of a large stupa at Dudo. A large white stone stupa at Dudo. A large white stone stupa at Dudo.
A young Tibetan girl at the wheel of a Landrover. A young Tibetan girl at the wheel of a Landrover. A young Tibetan girl at the wheel of a Landrover. A young Tibetan girl wearing a black chuba and holding a rosary. A young Tibetan girl wearing a black chuba and holding a rosary. Rocks on the road after a landslide. People removing rocks from a landslide off of the road. A portion of the road along the ? River.
Rocks on the road after a landslide. The ? River valley. Close-up of the base of a reproduction of one of the towers constructed by Milarepa. Close-up of the base of a reproduction of one of the towers constructed by Milarepa. A reproduction of one of the towers constructed by Milarepa. Tibetan houses across the river. Tengye Monastery. A small Tibetan village near Tengye Monastery.
Tengye Monastery. Tengye Monastery. Tengye Monastery. Local Tibetans and  Chinese tourists on the roadside. A stream of nuns walking to their own Assemly Hall ['du khang]. A stream of nuns walking to their own Assemly Hall ['du khang]. A stream of nuns walking to their own Assemly Hall ['du khang]. A Tibetan nun and nomad woman loading a horse.

Transportation Infrastructure in Topic
