Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Religious Event

Ritual Cakes on the Altar Buddha Statue of Nangkor Lhakhang Statues of the Nangkor LHakhang Ritual performers pay homage to the Guru Thongdrel Women of Nangkor praying and bowing Men at Nangkor praying and bowing Ritual performers at the Nangkor lhakhang An old lady praying at Nangkor tsechu
Ritual performers at the Nangkor lhakhang Flower ritual cake in the altar of Nangkor lhakhang Statue of Buddha in the Nangkor lhakhang Statue of Chenrigzig Statue of Guru Rinpoche in the Nangkor lhakhang Ritual Cakes on the Altar Statue of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal A handy prayer wheel with many hanging beads
Handy prayer wheel Decorated Stupa A stupa below the Khar lhakhang Offering of Marchang The two lady serving the marchang to the people The two lady serving the marchang to the people Stuffs  arranged for the exorcism ritual Stuffs  arranged for the exorcism ritual
Priests performis the concluding ritual of excorcism Performing exorcism dance during the first night of the kangsoel Priests performis the concluding ritual of excorcism

Religious Event in Topic
