Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in 2002 High Tibet Circle Expedition (HTCE)

The forward side of funerary structure FS1. The ceremonial structure. The interior of the upper dokhang (<i>rdo khang</i>). Note the in situ roof assembly. The detail of the opening in the south wall. The south wall of the temple. Note the long, dark stone member in the bottom right-hand corner of the image. An early Buddhist plaque carved with the <i>maṇi mantra</i>. The significant walls of Chakra (<i>lcags ra</i>). Chakra (<i>lcags ra</i>). Note the inscribed slates resting on top of the massive walls.
The pillar. The south wall of the enclosure. The lone pillar and surrounding terrain. Note the drama (<i>gra ma</i>) brush encroaching upon the remains of the enclosure. The lone pillar. The main pillar (long-stone DR1). The site, seen from the west. The pillar site. The white tip of Gangkar Tisé (<i>gangs dkar ti se</i>) is visible in line with the pillar. The site, seen from the south. Note how the west side of the enclosure is conspicuously elevated above the surrounding terrain.
The site, seen from the north. In the distance are the snowy peaks of the Great Central Himalaya. Interconnected enclosures in the south sector of the main cluster. Interconnected enclosures of the north sector in the main cluster. The mesa with the sloping top in the upper left hand corner of the image is Khardong (<i>mkhar gdong</i>). The site’s large tumulus. The site’s walled pillars. Note the smaller pillars in and against the south wall and how the enclosure is prominently elevated above the surrounding plain. The wall subdividing the north section of the enclosure (center foreground) is also visible. The site’s walled pillars. Note how the enclosure is partitioned into two main sections. The Chunak (<i>chu nag</i>) flood plain is to the left of the monument. The large pillar (long-stone DR2) in the south section of the enclosure. The north sector dispersion.
The thick walls of a partly integral structure of the south sector. A partly integral structure of the south sector. The highly disintegrated remains of residential structure RS6 (foreground). Residential structure RS7. Note the large niche in the rear wall. Rock walls at residential structure RS3. The fairly integral walls of residential structure RS2. The south sector dispersion. The central sector ruins.

2002 High Tibet Circle Expedition (HTCE) in Topic
