Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in John Vincent Bellezza Collection

Type II.1c. Quadrate array of pillars with appended edifice (larger example); a reconstruction of the basal structural elements. View from the east (drawn by Kleo Belay) Type II.1c. Quadrate array of pillars with appended edifice (smaller example); a reconstruction of the basal structural elements. View from the east (drawn by Kleo Belay) Type II.1b. Pillar erected within a quadrate enclosure; a reconstruction of the basal structural elements. View from the northwest (drawn by Kleo Belay) Type II.1b. Pillar erected within a quadrate enclosure; a reconstruction of the basal structural elements. View from the east (drawn by Kleo Belay) Type II.1b. Pillars erected within a quadrate enclosure; a reconstruction of the basal structural elements. View from the southwest (drawn by Kleo Belay) Type II.1b. Pillars erected within a quadrate enclosure; a reconstruction of the basal structural elements. View from the east (drawn by Kleo Belay) Type I.2c. An artist's conception of a residential complex built into caves with all-stone corbelled anterooms (drawn by Kleo Belay) Type I.2a. An artist's conception of an all-stone corbelled residence built into a mountainside (drawn by Kleo Belay)
Type I.1a. An artist's conception of an all-stone corbelled citadel with staggered ramparts in the foreground (drawn by Kleo Belay) The upper edifice. The upper edifice. The lower edifice is also visible on the upper right side of the image. The residential remains on the “horse’s ear.” The ruins planted atop the “horse’s ear.” The “horses ears” of this sacred site are the twin pyramidal formations on the right side of the headland. The ruins are situated on the “horse’s ear” in the foreground. Funerary structure FS2. One of the heaped-stone enclosures.
One of the heaped-stone enclosures. Funerary structure FS2. Outlying funerary structure. One of the double-course walls of the pillar enclosure. The site’s walled pillars. The east complex of the south sector. Note the large cubic boulder beside the structure. Satellite enclosures of the south sector west complex. The north tumulus.
The south tumulus. The in situ pillar of the north pillar complex. The north pillar complex. Long-stone DR1 of the south pillar complex. The south pillar complex. Funerary structure FS3. Funerary structure FS2. Funerary structure FS 3.

John Vincent Bellezza Collection in Topic
