Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Lhasa

Monks debating religious topics in the debate courtyard. Monks debating religious topics in the debate courtyard. Monks debating religious topics in the debate courtyard. Monks debating religious topics in the debate courtyard. Monks debating religious topics in the debate courtyard. Monks debating religious topics in the debate courtyard. Monks debating religious topics in the debate courtyard. A statue of Shakyamuni Buddha adorned with silk scarves.
Shelves of traditional Tibetan religious texts. The main image of the Assembly Hall, a large statue of Shakyamuni Buddha. The main image of the Assembly Hall, a large statue of Shakyamuni Buddha. A mural of White Tara along a circumambulation route around the monastery. A row of prayer wheels in front of a mural of White Tara along a circumambulation route around the monastery. A view of the Potala Palace from the roof of the monastery. Children spinning a large prayer wheel. Children spinning a large prayer wheel.
A row of prayer wheels in front of a mural of Green Tara along a circumambulation route around the monastery. The facade of the monastery. A view of the palace from a street in north Lhasa. ?? A view of the palace from a street in north Lhasa. ?? A view of the palace from a street in north Lhasa. ?? A view of the palace from a street in north Lhasa. ?? A view of the front of the palace from Zhöl, the neighborhood at its southern base. A young Tibetan-American girl in Zhol, the neighborhood at the base of the palace.
A view of the front of the palace from Zhol, the neighborhood at its southern base. A view of the front of the palace from its southern base. A view of the front of the palace from its southern base. A view of the front of the palace from its southern base. An unused set of stairs overgrown with grass. An unused set of stairs overgrown with grass. Close up of a palace building near the foot of the front (south) side of the palace. David Germano descending the front (south) stairs.

Lhasa in Topic
